How does fishing with coca cola work?

How does fishing with coca cola work?

The internet has been filled with viral videos of people fishing using the coca cola soda, and you might be wondering how the whole concept works. Some even wonder whether using Coca Cola soda works. Scrapping the internet, you will come across numerous videos where the trick gets applied to catch fish by mixing other ingredients with coca cola soda. To any new person to this concept, the whole idea is quite intriguing and fascinating at the same time.

Some pertinent questions arise from this trick, and most importantly, does coca cola soda help catch the fish? Or is this practice injustice and destructive practice that should get abandoned? Well, I suppose at this particular time you are fancied and excited about the whole technique, and you might be considering to try it and find out whether it works. Sit back and relax as this article will demystify the myth and misconceptions about the whole idea and shed some light on the topic.

How does fishing with coca cola work

The attractive fantasies about fishing using coca cola came up after a video of a middle-aged man catching catfish utilizing this trick. Rather than investing in fishing gear, the fisherman used a new concept that seemed efficient and yielding faster results. A mixture of coca cola with Mentos, a mint candy formed the essential ingredients for this exercise. The above mix got then added to a raw egg, including the complete concoction that worked magic.

It’s expected that you are wondering how this is possible and is it yielding desired results. In an ideal situation, you wish to find some fishing rods and lines in conducting this exercise successfully. Many people believed this to be a camera trick, while the other group is left mind-boggling wondering how this is possible. To many people’s surprise, the idea or scheme most would like to have it regarded involves much science. Pouring a mixture of Coca cola soda mixed with Mentos has different effects on various animals, including fish.

Fish, unlike most animals, have one of the highly developed keen senses of smell and taste. Catfish, for instance, gets listed as one of the living creatures with a highly evolved sense of smell and taste. Catfish use whiskers on their mouth to taste things with ease. Fish feeds on various insects found in their aquatic habitat, and some bigger fish usually feed on other small fishes. Some fish also catch and eat some small-sized birds that are diminutive in size. Therefore, upon understanding the feeding habit of a fish and its keen sense of taste and smell, the ingredients used play a significant role.

The egg used in the mixture of coca cola acts as a solid bait to attract fish, and it has proven to be effective. A typical situation dumping a combination of coca cola to a fish or any other animal is not recommended or advocated. The Mentos in coca cola has a strong scent that pulls the fish from its hiding.

To understand the concept of using coke to catch fish, we must take a deep look into how human lungs work as there is a correlation between the two. Our lungs, as human beings, work efficiently by exchanging oxygen breathed from the air, and the siphoned oxygen replenishes the red blood cells. The lungs will also release any other waste gases from the body through a process known as exhalation.

Similarly, the above-laid-out process of breathing applies the same concept when it comes to fish. Fish usually have gills that work just as our lugs do. As oxygenated water passes through the fish girls, there are very tiny tissues that orbs orb the oxygen in this water and pass it through to other organs of the fish.
The opposite of what gets described above is deadly to the animal, and so is fish. Lack of oxygen in the water will have a direct consequence of suffocation to the fish. Suffocation has resulted in many fish in waters due to oil spills that lead to oxygen deprivation in waters.

Coca cola gets primarily made up of carbon dioxide; no wonder it is categorized as a carbonated drink. Therefore, pouring coca cola drink will introduce high carbon dioxide contents in water, depriving high oxygen levels, leading to difficulties in breathing, hence suffocation. When encountering such a scenario or situation, the best option is to save yourself by escaping to an open space where oxygen is in plenty. Fish just like us will panic and rush towards the only available opening, hence the trick of catching the fish.

In our case, the effectiveness of using coca cola as a tool for catching fish has not been proved to be super effective in other scenarios except for the catfish it has been tested with. There are some reasons why it is hugely successful when it comes to catfish and particularly channel catfish in the circulating video online. Channel catfish, unlike other fishes, comes with about four sets of whiskers and has high responsive taste receptors on the channel catfish body.

Coca cola is an acidic drink, and when poured in water, it will increase the acidity of the environment around the fish. Channel catfish is a freshwater fish, and it cannot survive in an acidic environment or habitat. Coke suffocates fish in the water by creating low pockets of oxygen. The addition of carbon from coca cola soda dilutes oxygen concertation in water. Consequently, the oxygen depredated water becomes quite challenging for fish to extract little available oxygen left in water.

Dangers involved in using coca cola as a fishing tool

Using coca cola and a mixture of Mentos with eggs is not ecologically beneficial to marine life, and the practice negatively affects other marine animals. Though the idea seems effective in practice, it’s not sustainable, nor is it promising as a fishing technique.

The practice of suffocating fish as a fishing technique is not something to advocate as it has more excellent effects than benefits accrued. First, it’s essential to understand that millions, if not billions, of other living organisms in water, depend on oxygen available in the water. Deprecating oxygen in water suffocates not just fish but other microorganisms as well.

One of the effects of using coca cola as a fishing tool is that its suffocates essential organisms like bacteria and algae. This microorganism is vital in creating oxygen during the day for use by marine life, and they die, which will be the end of other organisms living in the water. When the concertation of dissolved oxygen gets relatively low, aquatic animals, including fish, begin to die off. Other human activities like draining agricultural chemicals and other industrial waste have contributed to increased acidity and carbon in water, killing by suffocation of many fish. Consequently, acidity levels in water ills plant these fish on and other small insects in the water. The fish might also die in the long run due to a lack of food.

Finally, the idea of catching fish by pouring coca cola mixture with Mentos ideally increases the levels of acidity in the water. The process ends up killing the fish through oxygen deprivation hence a more leisurely time catching it. Using coca cola to catch a fish is sometimes equated to applying dynamite on a fish. It’s not a sustainable fishing method as it’s destructive to the environment and hazardous to other living creatures in the water. Lastly, it’s not an ethical process or technique, and it’s not advisable.

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